The world we live in is no longer organic, but a digital construction. We have created a system that interferes with every layer of our existence, and it has become impossible to escape. From hollowing our Earth of minerals and substance, to creating entirely new realities of our own, it is becoming harder to distinguish what is real and what is not.
The Stack is a system of layers that we exist by. Earth, Cloud, City, Address, Interface, and User are the categories that define modern life as we know it. Technology rules all of these layers in different ways, but has caused all of them to be dependant and dependable with our technology.

This book is a compilation of every layer of the stack, exploring different aspects and perspectives. Visually represented with graphics and text, this book is only a small peek into the phenomenon that is The Stack.

Purchase the Geographics Book
1 clothes1
2 pallet
3 clothes3
4 nose1
5 body1
6 eyes1
7 clothes4
8 clothes4
9 clothes4
10 clothes4
14 clothes4
15 clothes4
11 pallet
12 clothes4